Monday, August 31, 2020

Food And Digestion

In science we've been learning lots about the human body. The main thing that we've learnt is food and digestion. It is really interesting to learn about this topic as we see inside the human body, I find it really fun examining the bones of dead things as it doesn't virtually but physically show us what it feels and looks like. Yesterday we did just that! we had to get into groups of three and record a video revolving around the key points of the bone.  Here is the video: 


  1. nice job on the description i find the intro funny with how you enter

  2. very good description sheldon

  3. Hi Sheldon, I like it how you said "welcome to NZ's finest". You explained all the questions and described it pretty well. I like it how you explained how the teeth digest the food and how it travels through the mouth of the cow. Why didn't Jahrome or Te Pona talk in the video? Did they just rely on you? And what hit you in the ear at the end of the video? Anyway, I liked your video.
